Sunday, February 18, 2007

I've returned from a one-week hiaitus

My apologies to the legion of readers who wondered why I didn't post last Sunday. I was in Toy Fair mode, and was simply exhausted. But with Toy Fair in my rear view mirror, I'm back on my game.

1. Consumer Alert! Delta no longer allows you to buy a half-price ticket for a child under the age of 2. If you want a child to have a confirmed seat, it's full price. This just went into effect the end of December...even the Delta clerk I spoke with didn't know that.

2. I'm a "run out the clock" kind of guy. Whenever there is something I dread, I think forward to determine the number of hours/days until the unpleasant task will be done. Then, I count backwards and create a comparison by figuring out what I was doing in the same amount of time in the past. Then I'll say: "The bad thing will be all done in the same amount of time it has taken to get from when I went to Church last Sunday to now. That's not so bad! I can make it".

Initially, I played that game as a child to while waiting for Christmas to arrive. As an adult, I started doing that with bad things when I traveled with kids. "In 6 hours the plane will land and I'll be done with this experience of traveling on a plane with kids. 6 hours ago, I was going to bed...that doesn't seem that long ago. I can make it!"

3. You heard it here first: the hot toy for Christmas 2007 will be Squawkers McCaw, a Furreal Friends Parrot for $69 that is very cool and really realistic. (And yes, we rep that toy).

4. It pains me to see jetBlue enduring their PR nightmare. It's such a domino do you ever even fix the problem once it starts?

5. Sammy looks really good in matches his hair well.

6. If you are the last speaker in a church meeting, it is your responsibility to make sure the meeting ends on time. I spoke in a Spanish unit today, and I didn't stand up to speak until 2:35 p.m. (the meeting ended at 2:40 p.m.) In that situation, bare your testimony and sit down. Nobody learns anything...and the spirit leaves....after the scheduled close of the meeting.

7. Miracles happen every day. We are still living in an era of miracles.

8. This whole house-buying and house-selling situation has given me such an increased understanding of faith and being led by the Spirit. More important than what the Spirit has directed me to do is learning better HOW the spirit works and having more trust in it.

9. I saw George Lucas this week. I didn't meet him, but saw him 3 different times as he toured the Hasbro Showroom and checked out the Star Wars toys.

10. Looks like we're going to get the new Monopoly: Here & Now game set on to the next Shuttle mission. I've been invited to watch the Shuttle launch, but don't think I'll be able to make it due to the time commitment involved.

11. I'm fearful that "The Office" has not necessarily jumped the shark, but just lost it's sharpness. The last 3 or 4 episodes have been weak.

12. The NBA All-Star game in Las Vegas is a good idea.

13. Someone routed a list of Ten Good Reasons to Elect a Mormon President. My favorite: At the inauguration, he would swear on the Bible 'as far as it is translated correctly.'

See you next Sunday night!



Anonymous said...

Hi Mark: Loved all your comments. I can relate to the one about time -- I say to myself, five months ago in the mission it was the end of September and look at all that's happened. And in five months I'll go home (not that I'm counting) but I do that little mind game too. Love you...

Mumsy said...

I am totally in agreement with #11. Totally.

I really like reading your blog, Mark. It's fun to see all the things that are on your mind.

And I "amen" to (#7?) about ending the meeting on time. That could go for RS, offense.