Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How I Endure Unpleasant Activities

When I was a kid, I couldn't wait until Christmas. It seemed like the distance from the current date to Dec. 25 was too long and would never pass. So I created a game. I'd figure out how much time was left between the current date and Christmas. Let's say it was one week. Then, I would go into the past the same length of interval to see what I was doing to see if that seemed like a really long time ago. So again, in the example, what was I doing one week ago. Then I'd say: "Well, that's not so long, I can make it!".

Now that I'm older and jaded, I do the same thing, but with unpleasant tasks. I think I started it on flights out west with the kids. As hours seem like days in that situation, I do it by hours and minutes..... "We only have 5 more hours on this flight. Five hours ago, we got up and started driving to the airport...." (Flight delays would really throw off this game, but fortunately, we haven't had any when traveling with the kids).

I'm playing the game right now. Toy Fair is next week, and while it's fun to be with the new toys and we work with great people, it's an extremely stressful period. But this time next week, it'll all be done. This time a week ago, I was searching for my desk, filing cabinet and other essential tools of being a bishop that had suddenly vanished from the bishop's and clerk's office. (There was a remodeling project at the chapel that I wasn't informed of....all is well). That doesn't seem like that long ago.....

So I can make it!

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