Sunday, November 2, 2008

New Calling

Well, for the first time in 10 years, I'm not serving in the stake.

I was finally released from stake service and was called to a ward calling. I am now the President of the Priest Quorum in our ward. There's a lot to learn with that, so I may not post any fun items or such for a few days. But I'll return, I promise!



Liz said...

You're sneaky.....Good luck with everything. Have fun and congrats!

Julie said...

You'll be great, Mark. I have no doubts that will do an awesome job as "President of the Priest Quorum". And I know Kath will be an outstanding "President of the Priest Quorum's Wife". Love you guys!!

Mumsy said...

You will be great, Mark. Fred and I always thought you would make an excellent bishop--only wish we could be there now to be part of the ward again.