Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Family Christmas Newsletter Becomes a Blog!

One resolution down, 149 to go.

It's only Jan. 2, and I've completed my goal to start a blog this year.

For the past 12 years, I've thought of all these funny things to say, but have had to limit them to my annual two-page Family Christmas Newsletter. The result is some content gets cut due to size restrictions, while other funny witicisms get forgotten throughout the course of the year. And as I've gone from writing a newsletter that represents just my adventures in NYC to one that must highlight my wife and the four kids, some of the content gets edited (and occasionally censored) to match the growing audience of readers.

In writing the 2006 newsletter, I frankly felt like I didn't "leave it all on the field" in terms of reaching my full humor potential. (Apparently some felt the same way as two folks -- who have now been removed from my Christmas card mailing list -- made a point of telling me that "it wasn't as funny as last year's." Didn't realize my letters were ranked each year.) But I feel I can improve on this year's effort...and this is the forum to capture all those quips that I thought about just after sticking the 125 or so cards into the mailbox.

I can't promise that I'll write as often as I want to -- but I do promise that readers who check back once a week will find fresh material posted each Sunday night.

And I welcome comments and feedback...just be kind as I don't want to pare down my Christmas card mailing list any further. Merry Christmas!!!


Unknown said...

You need to think of the big picture, Mark. If only two people are dropped from your Christmas card list, that saves you almost $0.80! You could do another date night with your wife!

john said...

I would like a top 10 resolutions list. Naming all 150 may be overkill.