Sunday, January 14, 2007

Product Review: Baseball Game for Dad & Son

Harry's Grand Slam Baseball
is a home run! I found it in a catalog featuring classic games and ordered it for Josh for Christmas from Out of the Box Games. It's about $15 and can be ordered online (see link).

It's a great, simple replication of a real baseball game that can be played in 15 to 20 minutes. It's easy to grasp and has just enough "managerial" elements to make it more than just about chance and luck. Most fun twist: you can opt to take a chance and play a special card that represents either a pinch hitter or relief pitcher...but there's no guarantee or improved odds that the card will deliver what you need. But in a pinch, it's a worthwhile gamble.

Josh and I play it literally every night before bedtime. It's the perfect Dad/Son game to end the evening. I'd say it's great for boys who already have an interest in baseball and grasp most of the rules and little nuances of the game ... probably ages 1st to 3rd grade is the sweet spot.


Jenni said...

mark, congrats on the blog. go to my blog, look at the links in the right side and click on robert to get to his blog. love the new blog, kathryn made you get your own, eh?

Unknown said...

O.K. Due to your blog, Darlene just bought this baseball game for my 9 year old's birthday (Sunday). We played it for the 1st time tonight. Pretty cool, fast moving game. I liked it. Thanks for the recommendation.