Sunday, January 28, 2007

Thoughts I Pondered On During High Priests Meeting

1. We finally got some cold weather in New York City, which meant it was time to trot out the old "real feel" temperature. "It's 18 degrees outside, but with the wind chill, the "real feel" is minus 74!!!

As much as I mock on that as just a way to hype the weather, I think this technique can be applied to kids. "My wife and I are raising 4 kids...but with the "all under the age of 8" factor, the "real feel" is like raising 7 kids!"

2. Favorite orange soda brand: Fanta.

I've always like Sunkist, but the caffeine in it (yes, it has caffeine) knocks it out. Minute Maid orange (not sure if it's still made) is high on the list. And the relatively new Tropicana Twister Orange soda (not the pseudo-juice products) isn't all that bad. But Orange Slice was the worst.

3. Does anyone else have a phobia of eating food in front of others? I realized I have a food phobia when I was asked to choose a sandwich to order for a client lunch. I chose tuna on a croissant because it's soft and easy to chew. Can't stand trying to be like a savage and rip apart a crusty-style bread that is topping meat that must be ripped apart.

But beyond that, I hate to ruin the pleasant experience of eating by worrying about the niceties that you must put on when eating in front of company. Granted, everyone knows from looking at me that I'm not a major eater. But I like to eat. It's enjoyable. But it loses any pleasure if I have to share a meal with someone I don't particularly like.

4. I also have "overhead bin" phobia. That's the fear of delaying the plane because my bag won't fit in the overhead bin. It's shared space, and jockeying for space up there just makes me nervous. I can count on three fingers the number of times I've used overhead space on a flight when I was flying on my own.

5. Oh, we bought a new house this week. GULP!


Unknown said...

I just read a Dilbert cartoon about overhead bin phobia, and it is as you described. Because of Dilbert, the plane can only get to Iowa instead of its intended destination.

Anonymous said...

I've been serving Sunkist orange soda to my missionaries at Zone Leaders Meeting -- no wonder they're all so perky. I guess I'm going to have to change.

Jenni said...

Mark, have you tried Polar Orange Soda??? It rocks any orange soda's pants off!!! Go to Stop and Shop now and but it, plus it's cheap!

Jenni said...

i meant to say buy it, BUY it, not but it!