Sunday, January 14, 2007

In No Particular Order...

Thoughts from the past week...

1. Very good football preferred teams won 3 of the 4 games (San Diego losing was the one dark spot). The four potential Super Bowl match-ups are: a) "The Midwest Bowl" (Chicago vs. Indy) b) "Super Bowl 20 -- the sequel" (Chicago vs. New England) c) "The First Timers' Bowl" (New Orleans vs. Indy), or d) "The New Bowl" (New Orleans vs. New England). My preference: A (go Bears) or C (go Saints)

2. I did a quick overnight trip to San Francisco this week. I was reminded that San Francisco homeless are MUCH more agressive than New York City homeless. Overall, NYC may not be known for our friendliness, but New York City homeless are definitely friendlier than those in SF (and Washington, for that matter).

3. Why do pilots feel obligated to share the temperature of your destination in Celsius? What's more, they often seem to say "Centigrade" instead of "Celsius". Are there that many metric nuts who fly and demand it? Seems like metric fanatics probably automatically convert from F to C in their heads anyway, so this feels unnecessary.

4. I want the new i-Phone from Apple that was announced this week.

5. I saw something the other day that DVDs have officially surpassed videotape in terms of number of households of something, something (don't remember the specific). But as a fellow Dad of young kids pointed out to me, videotapes actually rock vs. DVDs when young kids are in the homes. How many times do I try to run a kids' DVD only to find one of the kids has ruined it by placing their syrup-laced fingers all over it. (I even saw Matty licking a Thomas DVD once, which didn't help its playability). And the scratches they collect... But stick in an old-fashioned videotape and you've got 30 minutes of no worries. If you have (or will have) young kids, keep the videotapes.

6. Perhaps it's a sad commentary on my work/life balance (the theme of the movie), but I found Adam Sandler's "Click" to be very motivational. (Kathryn and I watched it last night). I'd heard bad reviews, but I'd give it a solid 3 out of 4 stars. A tad too many "S" words, but Click is a quality flick.

7. TV shows that I wish were on DVD: Hawaii Five-O, Family Ties, Wonder Years, Night Court, WKRP in Cincinnati, and Alice. I have the Dukes of Hazzard (season 1) if anyone wants to borrow.

8. If the Beastie Boys decided to do kids' songs in their later years, I know what their first big hit would be: "You've Got to Fight....For Your POTT-Y!"

See you next week.



john said...

I think you two should rent the 1st season of Arrested Development (starring none other than Jason Bateman from some old sitcom we used to watch). You may want to look into a DVD player/recorder as well. It was one of our gifts from Santa. Now we can record onto DVD, and get rid of the 12 hours of Dora/Diego that we have taking up space on our TIVO. We are going to record the entire season of "24" and then watch it after my busy season is over.

Kathryn said...

I like that idea John. I do want to watch 24. So many friends are into it and love it. One friend ev even named her baby after the star.

Jenni said...

i am with you on #5 and #6, right on

Anonymous said...

I agree that WKRP in Cincinnati should be on DVD. Apparently the holdup is getting the rights to use all of the music. It wouldn't be the same without the great '70's and early '80's soundtrack. I think you should use your connections to get an entertainment industry attorney to look into the possibility. If that doesn't work, just drop my name.

Unknown said...

I have searched the internet to sadly find out that Family Ties was not on DVD. I hope that makes it to DVD sometime. I would like to see it again. However, some of those shows are not as good as I remember, but I would like to try it and find out.